Monday, December 17, 2007

Better late than never

White elephant gift exchange!! 

Team photo! These girls have so much fun together and are a crack up!!

Looking for our 7-8 ft tree. Is this how tall Van is going to be?

On Dan's shoulders starting the search

Vander likes this one:)

We finally have our tree!!! We had the APU girls over for a Christmas party last night, so we knew it had to be up and ready by then:) It was fun shopping for a tree with Vander. He wanted to touch all of the trees and had a blast being on Dan's shoulder's looking for the perfect tree. Dans method is funny. He doesn't pick a tree that is unwrapped. We always go and he picks one of the ones that is still wrapped up. He says that is part of the fun is getting it home and seeing what kind of tree you got. I have to admit we do have fun when we get back to the house. SO far all the trees we have got have been great. I am secretly waiting for the year we get home and have a tree that is bald in a huge spot or something funny:) 

1 comment:

Katie said...

How cute is Vander on Dan's shoulders?!? Also, I love his expression in the picture where he's looking at the tree- very pensive:) See you in a few days!!!