Last year at Thanksgiving, our 5 day old bundle of joy:)
oh how he's changed in a year, but still our bundle of joy:)
I think that Thanksgiving is my all time favorite Holiday. Being the Hardeman that I am maybe it is the presbyterian potatoes, cranberry jello, turkey, gravy, rolls, corn, stuffing, pie, feeling so full I can barely breathe and then going home and being hungry in three hours feeling. More than that I love just being in the presence of family and taking time to reflect on the past year and how good God truly has been to our family. Our family tradition is we gather at my Aunts house, eat a fabulous meal and then hope the Aunts forgot about the candy corn. The candy corn is a tradition we have where everyone takes one and we go around and share what one thing we are thankful for this past year. Why is it I always get nervous and hope they forget about this tradition? Is it because I don't know how to accurately express in one sentence what I am thankful for? Is it because I don't want to give the surface answer that sounds so canned, my husband, my family, health, for fear of sounding not truly thankful. Thanksgiving is a great time to pause and look around at what we may be taking for granted that we have to be Thankful for. I am sad that we are not going to my Aunts today, but I have been thinking about what my one sentence answer would be if I was there. Family would be my response. I have grown to appreciate family in a new way this past year on a couple different levels. Having a child makes you appreciate your parents in a whole new light. Living 5 minutes from my parents and 10 minutes from Dans is something that we take for granted. A week does not go by that Vander does not get to spend time with both sets of grandparents. I long for him to develop deep relationships with my parents and Dans and for them to be a big part of shaping him into the Man he is going to be. Having always lived close to family I took for granted my sister. I so badly miss being able to call her up and say want to go for a run, and her being over in 10 minutes. Sykpe makes her being gone easier because I feel like I have seen her, even if it is through the computer. I am thankful for her this year as being away has made me realize how much I enjoyed having her around. I am thankful that I have a sister who is sensitive to the Lord's calling and willing to say "Yes Lord send me" I also am thankful for my brothers and how they are maturing as they wrap up their college years. I am thankful for Travis picking such a wonderful bride who truly feels like a sister and could not fit in better with our family. I am thankful for my husband who in his new role as a dad makes me love him even more. He treasures Van, and Van kinda likes him too:) I am thankful for a year of health for Vander, he had such a great first year!! So my candy corn response would be family:)
You didn't warn me that this entry was going to make me cry!! It wasn't a great idea for me to be listening to "I'll be Home for Christmas" while I read your entry. I do love it hear but I cannot wait to come home for Christmas!! I too am appreciating family in a new way that I've switched continents. I miss you so much Heidi!!! This might sound bad but I didn't know I would miss you so much- I don't get homesick easily but I have learned being here how much I rely on and appreciate you.
I loved your insight about dreading the candy corn game. I've also wondered why it is that we dread it but you're so right that if you say "family" it sounds like you're taking the easy route and not thinking of something unique and it is so hard to try to say all you're thankful for in one sentence.
I'm thankful we had a good internet connection today! Great entry:) Amazing how much Van Man has changed in one year!!
Ahhhh- I hate grammar mistakes! I meant "here" not "hear."
I still can't get over how cute your blog looks! I love it! Weird how the tables have turned. I set up your myspace for you and you used to call me with questions and now I'm the one calling you to fix my blog! Lol!
( p.s. I got teary eyed reading what you wrote about Katie and then her comment. It's time for her to come home so you guys can be back together. Maybe she can stop and pick my sisters up on her way....)
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