Thursday, March 31, 2011

Logan 6 months

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How are you already 6 months, I feel gypped! Your contagious smile I could look at all day. The way you like to put your cheek up against mine and just stay like that for as long as I will hold you makes my heart happy. Vander loves to do silly things to make you laugh and Hudson comes running to check on you any time he hears you make a peep. You are loved little one! I feel so blessed that you are mine, I think the good Lord knew I would have my hands full chasing your older brothers so He was gracious to me, giving me the perfect baby. I am thankful for the half year that you have been with us so far, we have LOVED every minute. I hope you always stay this sweet!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Welcome to the Family Teri

We have a tradition in our family at wedding showers of surrounding the bride and lifting her up in prayer as she embarks on the journey of spending the rest of her life as a MRS. This has always been one of my favorite parts of showers. As we gathered around Teri, my sister opened us in prayer. She couldn't get through her first sentence without choking up. She thanked the Lord for providing the perfect bride for our brother. I couldn't agree more. The Lord provided the perfect helpmate for our brother. We are so thrilled and feel so blessed that he also picked someone who we love so much. Teri loves my brother and it is evident, but even more importantly Teri loves Jesus and it is evident. I choked up as my cousin Kristin closed us in prayer as she prayed that Trent and Teri Hardeman would be known as a family that has fun, loves each other, and that follows after Jesus hard!!

Teri we love you dearly and had such a wonderful time celebrating you!






Here's a slideshow of the day:)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


What a wonderful experience to watch a team go all the way all win a national title. Winning makes a long trip not feel so long. Some highlights from the trip were:

~ having our crowd of about 20 parents that faithfully cheered on the girls and believed
they could do it. When the schools we played in the last two games had thousands, it
didn't bother the girls, to them our cheering section was all they needed.

~ Logan getting spoiled by his Tennessee adopted grandmas. Esther and Sherry were so sweet to him and just loved him all week.


~ Going to church as a huge group. Something about going as a team in a group of 40 feels extra special. The pastors message was on waiting on God. The message was a great
reminder that God knows our story, knows where we are going, how we are going to
get there and that waiting on Him will often drive us to our knees which can be a pretty
sweet place.

~ Southern food and sweet tea

~ having my mom there to help load, unload, chase around the gym, and reload crazy boys

~ Having starbucks every morning in the lobby

~ Leah driving up from Indiana to surprise me and getting to spend a few hours chatting

~ How much the girls truly loved on my boys and appreciated having them there. One
night after the semi final game all the parents waited at the top of the tunnel for each girl
to come out. As they would come out everyone would clap, cheer and chant A.P.U.
They were also greeted by two year old Hudson sprinting, nearly eating it every time,
down the tunnel to give them a high five.

~ Teri taking Vander with her in the van with all the girls and him thinking he was
the luckiest guy around

~ Having no agenda all week but to go to basketball games

~ Being half asleep with the boys in the bed and hearing Dan come in at 2:30 am from
watching game film with my dad, preparing to defeat the next team.

~ Watching the team,my dad and Dan cut the nets down and cry sweet tears of victory, and not defeat.




The funny thing is I asked Vander what his favorite part of Tennessee was and he say's " swimming with David" So funny, I have asked him several times and his answer does not change. He swam with one of the girls boyfriends who was there, David, and David taught him to do a cannon ball which is the highlight of his trip. ha! His second favorite was eating ice cream in the arena, got to love 4 year olds! Hudson was just happy whenever we let him have a ball!


Monday, March 21, 2011

5 People 12 Times

One of my goals this year was to take more family pictures. I saw on a someone's blog an idea to take a picture every month of the whole family and I loved it. SO I decided to join in and commit to taking a picture a month of the fam. Dan helps out my dad at Azusa Pacific and we all tagged along this year to the national tournament in Jackson Tennessee to cheer on the team. 5 of us and one bed in a room has been an adventure. An adventure without much sleep :) My mom and I take turns during the game keeping the older two from talking to Dad and Bumpa or the girls during the game, and Logan has some Tennessee adopted grandmas who hold him every game! I actually have been really proud of my boys, they have been in a gym a lot this past week sometimes until midnight and have done wonderfully. We have been here a week and are playing for the national championship tonight. We are so proud of these girls and can't wait to cheer them on tonight!

5 people



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I love this last picture because it is almost 10 pm, the boys have been running around the gym for a few hours and are so spent they can't even smile. Logan is going with the flow as always and seems very excited about something!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I am thankful for the stage of life my kids are in right now. I love that going to the park is relaxing now. I remember having to follow closely behind then when they were new walkers and I feared they would walk right off the edge. The park then was still fun but I would not call it relaxing. Today we went to the park with some friends and I was just thankful. The sun was shining but it wasn't hot, Vander was off chasing ducks with Ethan, Hudson and Jordyn were on a different playground and Tammy and I sat and chatted while Logan took his morning nap in his carseat in the shade by us. I am thankful for these days with little agendas, no where to be but with my kids. They played wonderfully, ate a good lunch and now are taking naps. Not all days go as smoothly, but today I am realizing how fast the time is going and how soon they will have more on their schedules and I am just thankful for days like today!






Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's eat!!

This past week Logan has been eyeing anyone who is eating around him. When I hold him and eat he watches closely every bite I take and even has been making a motion with his mouth as I put the food into mine! He is so ready for food so today was the day. He did food how he has done everything else so far.... easily! I just love this kid! He looked at the food, made a weird face, looked at how excited dad was to give it to him and then got excited too!! My baby is growing up too fast!!!





Huddy the helper insisted on giving his bro some bites!